The Association is non-profit and its social purpose is the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the artistic, cultural, and monumental heritage owned by the Parish "Santi Pietro e Paolo" in Castiglione di Sicilia.
Association Museum of Saints Peter and Paul in Castiglione di Sicilia.
+39 094 29 84 058
+39 094 29 84 058
Santi Pietro and Paolo Museum in Castiglione di Sicilia
https://www.museosantipietroepaolocastiglionedisicilia.it @ All Right Reserved 2023 - Website created by Flazio Experience
https://www.museosantipietroepaolocastiglionedisicilia.it @ All Right Reserved 2023 - Website created by Flazio Experience
Discover the artistic, cultural, and monumental heritage of Castiglione di Sicilia, among the most beautiful Villages in Italy
The Association "Museum Saints Peter and Paul" in Castiglione di Sicilia is non-profit and aims to protect, conserve, and enhance the artistic, cultural, and monumental heritage owned by the Parish "Saints Peter and Paul" in Castiglione di Sicilia for the animation and cultural education of the Christian community and society, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Parish Museum of Castiglione di Sicilia aims to narrate its history of faith through works of art, shaped by time and the skill of artists who have left us testimonies of faith and beauty that still have much to say today, even after centuries.
A very rich collection of Liturgical Books
The history of the Printed Book in the Vallidicanense Library
The Vallidicanense Library tells the history of the printed book from 1400 and that of the archives. An extraordinarily rich collection of Liturgical Books. Some of these books and documents are exhibited in the former Church of San Giuseppe.
The News
Equinozio d'autunno sulla Meridiana di Castiglione di Sicilia
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2024-09-13 11:06
TV2000 parla del Museo Diffuso Religioso di CASTIGLIONE DI SICILIA
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2023-12-20 18:29
RiaApertura Cripta a Castiglione di Sicilia - Presentazione del Progetto " Museum" a cura dell'Associazione Mu
2023-11-13 10:02
2023-11-13 10:02
La " Notte Sacra" a Castiglione di Sicilia - 8 agosto 2024
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2024-07-16 11:16
**Sacerdoti del VI Vicariato della Diocesi di Acireale in Visita al "Museo Diffuso" della Parrocchia di Castig
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2024-04-23 17:22
Il Vescovo di Acireale Mons. Raspanti in visita al Museo Diffuso
2024-04-10 12:23
2024-04-10 12:23
La Tela: La "Conversione di San Paolo" dell'Acese Leonardi nella Chiesa Madre S. Pietro a Castiglione di Sicil
2024-01-25 11:31
2024-01-25 11:31
Presentazione del "Museo diffuso religioso" di Castiglione di Sicilia
2023-12-09 09:20
2023-12-09 09:20
Il progetto “Museum Santi Pietro e Paolo”, il museo religioso diffuso a Castiglione di Sicilia
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2023-12-04 15:26
Tesori Medievali a Castiglione di Sicilia: Le Stanze del Campanaro nella Chiesa Madre di San Pietro
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2023-11-30 23:17
Gli affreschi della Cripta
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2023-11-27 18:44
1943 – 12 agosto – 2023. Il ricordo della tragedia. La Vergine Maria intercede per la liberazione dei prig
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2023-08-12 11:02
2023-08-05 11:01
2023-08-05 11:01
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